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Thank you for visiting my fundraising page in support of ‘For Our Children Foundation’.


Bulgaria lacks a comprehensive child welfare policy in general and an early childhood development policy. There are no early childhood development standards, despite the governments’ commitment pursuant to the Pre-School and School Education Act. Poverty and the lack of support from close relatives as well as from a well-functioning system of social services are among the most frequent reasons for child abandonment in Bulgaria. It is no surprise to find services to support families with young children are underdeveloped.  

In response to this unsatisfactory situation, the charity, ‘For our Children Foundation’, has been supporting children here in Bulgaria for more than +30 years. They target young people from an early age to help them get the best chance for life and development in a family.

Donating through this page is simple, fast, and totally secure. Your details are safe with ‘’ – they will never sell your details on or send unwanted emails. Once you donate using the orange button on the right with the text ‘I want to donate ‘or ‘искам да даря‘ you can be happy that your funds have been allocated towards the charity ‘


  • Who is Tony McMurray?
  • I am a Brit living in Bulgaria since June 2018. 
  • Over the past +15 years I have raised more than $ 100,000 in the UK attempting unique self-organized challenges, complimented by fundraising for a variety of charities.  
  • These challenges have ranged from running Marathons, Kayaking Rivers, Cycling the length of countries and climbing Mountains. 
  • My most recent fundraising challenges was my successful summit of Mount Elbrus in Russia, Europe’s highest Mountain. This was in aid of the UK Alzheimer’s Society.
  • My wife Sharon and I moved to Bulgaria in June 2018 for me to take on the position of Managing Director of Ingram Micro Bulgaria.
  • In this exec role I oversee +1,000 staff at our shared services centre in Sofia, servicing the needs of our many country partners across Europe.
  • As a 26-year veteran of Ingram Micro I was previously the Finance Director of one of Im Bulgaria’s largest customers, Ingram Micro UK.
  • I am a qualified CIMA Accountant and a Fellow of the institute of CIMA
  • As the leader of a large US corporate in the country, I also hold the position of board member of AMCHAM Bulgaria.


  • What is the Bulgarian 56 Peaks Challenge?
  • This is my first fundraising challenge in Bulgaria. 
  • There are 56 Peaks of Bulgaria > 2,500m as described by Wiki
  • The first peak will be completed on May 14th, 2022, with a large group of supporters comprising friends work colleagues and members of the charity
  • The aim is to capture a photo on the top of each summit with a flag of the charity to evidence the peak
  • I have given myself +16 months to complete this unique challenge and raise as much funds as possible for the Charity.


  • About the charity For Our Children Foundation
  • I have chosen 'For Our Children Foundation' having witnessed the various services they provide for disadvantaged children in Bulgaria
  • The wide selection of services include:
    • Community Support Centre - Initially, the Centre operated with a capacity of 55 cases, it now supports 130 cases per month helping new-borns at risk, children with learning difficulties and families in crisis situations to name but a few
    • The Children’s House – located in the grounds of the charities HQ in Sofia it is a secure and safe home that acts a temporary shelter for up to 6 children aged 3 to 7 years.
    • Foster care Centre – Founded in 2011 the centre currently has a capacity for 25 to 30 children
    • Day Care Centre for Children with disabilities – the centre has capacity for 20 children and consists of living room for play activities, a sensory room, a yard with a specialised playground and much much more!
    • Community Support Centre Plovdiv – The centre works with various vulnerable groups focusing on young children and their parents

The last two years has proved a challenging period for the Foundation. The pandemic affected the charities direct work with the families they support, and all the supporting activities.

This challenge has two main objectives, the first is to raise awareness for this valuable Foundation, the second is to raise much needed funds to help them continue their great work in supporting the children of Bulgaria.

Many thanks for your support in meeting these two objectives.

UPDATE December 2023:

ENGLISH: Tony McMurray’s Bulgarian 56 Peaks Challenge started in 2022 and is aiming to raise funds and awareness for the causes of For Our Children Foundation. For the first 18 months of the challenge, Tony along with 35 friends and supporters has managed to climb 20 of the 56 peaks over 2500 m and raise almost 9 000 BGN of the initial 10 000 BGN goal. The challenge continues in 2024 and Tony is motivated to not only climb the rest of the peaks, but to increase his fundraising goal to 20 000 BGN. All raised funds will be used to further develop FOC’s early childhood development programs focused on social, psychological and therapeutical support for vulnerable children and children with disabilities. 

БЪЛГАРСКИ: Предизвикателство на Тони Макмъри да изкачи най-високите 56 български върха стартира през 2022 г. и има за цел да набере средства и да популяризира каузите на фондация „За Нашите Деца“. За първите 18 месеца на предизвикателството, Тони заедно с 35 приятели и съмишленици успя да изкачи 20 от 56-те върха над 2500 м и да събере почти 9 000 лв. от първоначалната си цел от 10 000 лв. Предизвикателството продължава и през 2024 г. и Тони е мотивиран не само да изкачи останалите върхове, но и да увеличи целта си за набиране на средства до 20 000 лева. Всички събрани средства ще бъдат използвани за развитието на програмите за ранно детско развитие на фондация "За нашите деца", фокусирани върху социална, психологическа и терапевтична подкрепа на уязвими деца и деца с увреждания.


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Tony McMurray
Donated so far
 13,750  лв.

Goal amount
 20,000  лв.
End of Campaign

Category : Деца в риск

Legal state: NON-PROFITS



Donor Name
Ludwig Dehne  210  лв.
Кънчо Бонев  150  лв.
Reiner Dehne  200  лв.
Boo  200  лв.
Anonymous donor  2,000  лв.


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Tony McMurray

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