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for Good Causes

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Featured Campaigns

Donated 22.20 % from 10000 лв.
Remaining: 42 Days     Donor(s): 25
Donated 10.00 % from 3000 лв.
Remaining: 45 Days     Donor(s): 2
Donated 1.30 % from 19600 лв.
Remaining: 56 Days     Donor(s): 3
Donated 42.40 % from 5000 лв.
Remaining: 56 Days     Donor(s): 3
Donated 19.00 % from 3000 лв.
Remaining: 69 Days     Donor(s): 3
Donated 1.10 % from 20000 лв.
Remaining: 73 Days     Donor(s): 4
Donated 7.06 % from 196000 лв.
Remaining: 82 Days     Donor(s): 97
Donated 23.25 % from 20000 лв.
Remaining: 87 Days     Donor(s): 7
Donated 0.00 % from 8000 лв.
Remaining: 87 Days     Donor(s): 0
Donated 25.25 % from 24000 лв.
Remaining: 222 Days     Donor(s): 89
Donated 18.02 % from 30000 лв.
Remaining: 235 Days     Donor(s): 25

Platformata.bg partners


Pro bono hosting


Golden Apple Award 2020


Contact Us

BCause Foundation
65 Vitosha Blvd, floor. 2
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 2 / 988 00 80
Phone: +359 2 / 981 19 01
Mobile: +359 885 734 885

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