We are Returns! We’re an award-winning eCommerce returns business founded in 2015. We live to push boundaries of smarter returns and we want a thriving retail world where every customer experience is both delightful and considered, everything we buy can be loved and re-loved and preserving our planet is part of the fabric of how we shop. Today, more than 200 companies across 130 countries use our SaaS platform to help reduce the cost, friction, and impact of returns.At ZigZag, our values are the cornerstone of our culture.
Our commitment to the Start-up Spirit, Human Heart, and Grown-up Mindset shapes our collaborative spirit and drives our collective success. However, our mission extends beyond business success; it encompasses a profound desire to give back and make a positive impact in the world.
One of our fundamental principles is a commitment to social responsibility and community engagement. We actively seek out opportunities to give back, utilizing our resources and expertise to support local communities and drive positive change. Whether it's through educational programs, environmental initiatives, or community development projects, we are dedicated to making a meaningful impact wherever we can.
Web Page: www.zigzag.global
BCause Foundation is the official charity partner of the event, and donations are processed via www.platformata.bg
Децата с увреждания и техните семейства ежедневно се борят не само със своите здравословни проблеми, но и с чувството за изолация от света на връстниците си, от света на „другите”. Освен обичайните медицински процедури, заплащани от НЗОК, децата имат нужда и от адаптирани спортни и холистични методи за рехабилитация, доказали ефективността си за подобряване на физическото и емоционалното им състояние.
Чрез Фонд "Спорт за деца с увреждания" Фондация BCause подкрепя организации в цялата страна да организират разнообразни терапевтични занимания с деца с увреждания: езда, плуване, бягане, йога на смеха, лечебна гимнастика, зумба, пилатес, класически балет, кросфит тренировки, занимания с кучета. Така децата развиват фината си моторика, социализират се със своите връстници, позволяват им да се свържат отново с природата и околния свят, като ги извеждат от изолацията на дома им.
През последните 5 години сме помогнали на повече от 500 деца!
In Bulgaria, children and young people with disabilities are granted access to medical rehabilitation therapies and treatment /through the NHIF/ and have the right to attend specialized day-care centers, where they receive physical therapies, as well as social rehabilitation services. However, they rarely have the opportunity to socialize with their peers; and do not have access to adapted sports, which are proven to develop fine and gross motor skills, stimulate children to reconnect with nature and the surrounding world.
Choosing the appropriate activities for every person with a disability is the key to improve his/hers quality of life – for achieving this, BCause relies on its partnership network of parents’ associations and day-care centers, where professionals work with the children and young people every day, and work together with therapists and trainers to develop individual or group training sessions, tailored to the needs and expectations of families, and, whenever possible, including the parents or local communities
.In the last 6 years some 500 children have been supported with various alternative and holistic rehabilitation methods, such as hippo- and canis-therapy, swimming, yoga, etc., that have a proven effect on improving the physical and emotional state of both the children and their families.