This year, the “DXC Christmas 2021 supports Silvia” campaign is dedicated to the little daughter of our colleague Zhiko Lishkov. The collected funds will help her to walk.
Silvia is 1.5 years old, diagnosed with "Specific disorders in the development of motor function" and needs funds for rehabilitation in Greece. The costs for the treatment are 2,000 EUR a month.
For the therapy to be effective, it must be done monthly, until the girl's 3-rd birthday. For a year and five months now, the parents have been consulting with the best specialists in Sofia and Plovdiv - private and state rehabilitators, neurologists, pediatricians, orthopedics, speech therapists, food therapists. But a progress was noticeable after the visits in specialized rehabilitation center in Greece. There the program includes massage, stretching, kinesitherapy, ergotherapy and training games. Every month, Sylvia must stay in the center between 10 and 12 days. With the new therapy, the child has made enviable progress, improved the control of her head and torso stability, was able to improve her physically and motor skills.The assurance of the specialists in Greece is that the little girl will be able to stand in a child seat. And within a year, she will be able to stand up and try to make steps with someone else's help. In order to catch up with her peers, she needs continuous, specialized, and long-term rehabilitation.
Supporting this cause, the DXC Christmas Charity campaign is uniting all people with big hearts to contribute with an honest belief in the power of goodwill and the medicine applied on time for saving this young life!
Stand by us! Let’s raise the money necessary for the healthy childhood filled with love and smiles of a small child in need!
Име и фамилия |
Сума на дарението |
Анонимен дарител | 105 лв. |
Камен Добрев | 15 лв. |
Иван Костадинов | 50 лв. |
Анонимен дарител | 50 лв. |
Анонимен дарител | 100 лв. |